Причина 2: невысокие цены
В эпоху падения курса рубля отзывы о Будапеште были бы неполными без восхищения местными ценами. Венгрия — одна из самых дешевых стран Европы. Вот несколько примеров (для вашего и нашего понимания цены мы перевели из венгерских форинтов в евро):
- Проездной на неделю с неограниченным количеством поездок на всех видах общественного транспорта: 15 евро.
- Громадная порция гуляша, от которой способна лопнуть пара небольших туристов, стоит 5-7 евро. В центре города, в хорошем ресторане!
- Входной билет на обзорную площадку собора святого Иштвана: 2 евро.
- Билет в Геллерт — самую дорогую и пафосную купальню Будапешта: 17 евро.
- Билет в Вели Бей — чудесную камерную купальню без толпы потных граждан: 8,5 евро.
- Вход на кладбище Керепеши – . И не надо смеяться, кладбище Керепеши — одна из интереснейших достопримечательностей столицы Венгрии. В каждый свой приезд в Будапешт мы обязательно отправляемся туда.
- Хорошие отели в центре Будапешта стоят от 25 евро за ночь.
Цены в Будапеште не менее вкусные, чем здешняя еда!
Грустные статусы
Изображение: lilartsy / Unsplash
Иногда накатывает грусть, а всё, что хочется — укутаться в одеяло и смотреть мелодрамы. Почему бы не поделиться своим состоянием в соцсетях? Тем более, когда есть такие загадочные цитаты.
I need someone to make me feel okay.
Мне нужен кто-то, кто заставит меня чувствовать хорошо.
Everyone underwent something that changed him.
Каждый прошел через что-то, что изменило его.
You think you have forever, but you don’t.
Ты думаешь, у тебя есть вечность, но это не так.
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.
Не плачь, потому что это закончилось, улыбнись, потому что это было.
Love helps to kill time, time helps to kill love.
Любовь помогает убить время, а время помогает убить любовь.
I remember too much, that’s why I’m damn sad sometimes.
Я помню очень многое, именно поэтому мне иногда чертовски грустно.
To forgive doesn’t mean to forget and to forget doesn’t mean to forgive.
Простить не значит забыть, а забыть — не значит простить.
Eyes talk better than words sometimes.
Иногда глаза говорят лучше слов.
Интересные факты о Будапеште
Вид на Будапешт
Будапешт довольно контрастный город – в нем есть масса достопримечательностей, которые граничат с неблагополучными и даже криминальными районами.
Всего их в Будапеште 23, и каждый из районов имеет свою римскую цифру
Выбирая район, обратите внимание, что для любителей достопримечательностей Будапешта подойдут районы II и XII, для любителей ночной жизни с барами и клубами лучше остановиться в районах VI, VII, VIII
- Без идеального знания города лучше не арендовать машину, а передвигаться недорогими, но комфортабельными поездами второго класса, трамваями и автобусами. Парковка в Будапеште везде платная, а к нарушению правил относятся со всей строгостью.
- Не покупайте воду в бутылках. Это относительно дорого, а вода из-под крана ничем не уступает по качеству, ведь вода подается из подземных источников и часто используется даже в дорогих заведениях.
- Не стоит бездумно останавливаться для перекуса в центре города – цены в два раза выше, а обслуживание дольше из-за чрезмерно большого наплыва туристов. Стоит отойти на пару улиц от центра и выбрать любую небольшую кафешку, в которой будет все та же венгерская кухня. К примеру, на улице Godzu Udvar можно найти как бюджетные забегаловки, так и модные клубы или фешенебельные рестораны.
- Только в Будапеште можно покататься на самом длинном трамвае в мире. Это непривычное транспортное средство, напоминающее обычный трамвай, но аж на 9 секций и с общей длиной 55.9 м. Встречается на маршруте №1.
Факт №5: Лучший шоппинг в Венгрии и Будапеште – в «Большом кольце»
Если смотреть на венгерскую столицу с будайских гор, можно отчетливо увидеть необычную планировку города. Центр Будапешта окружен малым кольцом магистралей, вдалеке видна огромная магистраль Хунгария, а между ними расположена средняя окружность – Нодь керут, или Большое кольцо. Это одно из самых знаменитых и самых оживленных мест столицы – здесь любят гулять туристы и с удовольствие проводят время местные жители.
К тому же это главная торговая улица Будапешта – пересчитать все магазины, бутики, рестораны, отели и кондитерские просто невозможно! В какой-то момент туристу может показаться, что он идет вдоль одной бесконечной витрины – сюда лучше не приходить с пустым кошельком.
Самые популярные, типично «венгерские» товары среди туристов – кружева и фарфоровая посуда, расписанная вручную, паприка, вишневая палинка (местная водка) и гусиная печень.
Best Budapest Quotes
Whether you spend 3 days in Budapest or longer, you’ll discover one of the most interesting cities in Europe. I’ve visited a few times and loved every minute of it.
These are some of the best quotes about Budapest and will give you an idea of what the city is like.
“We started filming in 1993 which was only four years after the fall of communism. The difference in Budapest over the last five years has been remarkable.” – Derek Jacobi
“I live in Budapest and saw how the football helped the Hungarian people to be happy.” – Lothar Matthaus
“Two years ago, I shot ‘Pillars of the Earth’ in Budapest – it was a big part, but I had a lot of time to sit around and visit cafes.” – Eddie Redmayne
“I was born in Budapest, Hungary, and moved to the United States in 1956. It was during the Hungarian Revolution when Russian tanks rolled into Budapest, and my family – me, my brother, and my parents – escaped over the border to Austria. We just took whatever we could carry. It was perilous, but we made it across.” – Tommy Ramone
“Cooking is like fashion. Always, I like to try to change. If I’m traveling in a different country – to Australia, the Bahamas, Budapest, Moscow – and I see a new ingredient, I like to try it in a new dish.” – Nobu Matsuhisa
“In Budapest, I always had questions. What is your signature dish? They, of course, said goulash. I loved it so much and now have to figure out a way to make it at home.” – Tia Mowry
“When I was filming in Budapest for ITV’s ‘Titanic,’ I realised I’d never been to the ballet before so decided to see a production of ‘Giselle.’ I went on my own. As it was my first ballet, it was a very bizarre and interesting experience but very enjoyable.” – Ruth Bradley
“And living in Budapest for eight months was incredible.” – Anya Chalotra
“Budapest is a prime site for dreams: the East’s exuberant vision of the West, the West’s uneasy hallucination of the East. It is a dreamed-up city; a city almost completely faked; a city invented out of other cities, out of Paris by way of Vienna — the imitation, as Claudio Magris has it, of an imitation.” – M. John Harrison
“There is no such place as Budapest. Perhaps you are thinking of Bucharest, and there is no such place as Bucharest, either.” – Robert Benchley
“My house in Budapest, My, my hidden treasure chest, Golden grand piano, My beautiful Castillo.” – George Ezra
Unlike many other expensive capitals, Budapest is one of the cheapest cities in Europe. In fact, you will be surprised at the prices of accommodation or food, which is similar to other cities in Eastern Europe.
So if you are traveling for the first time in Europe or want to explore on a budget, you should this beautiful city to your itinerary.
Cute trams connect the city’s attractions, and you get to witness splendid panoramic bird views of the skyline from the top of the hills. At night, the lights, the sound of the music and the crowds fill the city.
Cute trams connect the city’s attractions, and you get to witness splendid panoramic bird views of the skyline from the top of the hills. At night, the lights, the sound of the music and the crowds fill the city.
You can easily spend 2 to 3 days in Budapest and definitely more if you can(which I would highly recommend). These Budapest quotes tell us more about this enchanting city and why you should travel there.
‘Europe’s most underrated big city, Budapest can be as challenging as it is enchanting.’ – Rick Steves
‘Take me to Budapest.’
‘In Budapest, I always had questions. What is your signature dish? They, of course, said goulash. I loved it so much and now have to figure out a way to make it at home.’ – Tia Mowry
‘Budapest in late May is a city of lilacs. The sweet, languid, rather sleepy smell of lilacs wafts everywhere. And it is a city of lovers, many of them quite middle-aged. Walking with their arms around each other, embracing and kissing on park benches. A sensuousness very much bound up (it seems to me) with the heady ubiquitous smell of lilacs.’ -Joyce Carol Oates
‘Stencil had called from a Hungarian coffee shop on York Avenue known as Hungarian Coffee Shop.’ – Thomas Pynchon
I’ve done drives through Budapest and Oslo and used to drive to Sardinia, too, which is quite a journey. Drives are an adventure because I don’t plan them too carefully. I take detours depending on how I feel and usually stop and stay at places I like the look of. – Rick Astley
‘And she didn’t care to be that night in Budapest, Hot night in Budapest.’ -Jethro Tull
‘As a boy, I stood at the doorway of our hiding place in Budapest and watched Russian troops fight house by house to liberate the city and therefore rescue us from certain death.’ – Frank Lowry
These Budapest quotes are straight from the books, lyrics of the songs and experiences of globetrotters.
‘Where would you like to go, what would you really like to do with your life? See Istanbul, Port Said, Nairobi, Budapest. Write a book. Smoke too many cigarettes. Fall off a cliff but get caught in a tree halfway down. Get shot at a few times in a dark alley on Morrocan midnight. Love a beautiful woman.’ – Ray Bradbury
‘I got an iced out crucifix, Fans means Budapest, I don’t speak that language, but they say it means, you the best.’ – Future Brown
‘Budapest intrigue, three hours of black and white, squinting at subtitles through a telescopic sight, Hungarian melody, repeating endlessly, is this the end I see? Approaching in front of me.’ – Elvis Costello
‘Shove the knife in deep coz life is cheap, Like hookers in Budapest.’ – Necro
About Budapest, Hungary
I recently visited Budapest where I spent almost a week and let me tell you, the capital of Hungary is one of charm and splendour. Unlike the larger cities of Milan or Paris and often overshadowed by its neighbours, Prague and , Budapest stands alone representing unique monuments and a complex past. From medieval monuments to fairytale settings, and rustic ruins to opulance, Budapest offers many reasons for a visit. It is a gorgeous city that you will fall in love with.
Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities I have visited and I share some of the amazing words used to describe this city by all those who had experienced this Queen of the Danube.
The city has enchanted authors, travellers, and creative souls for centuries, inspiring some truly funny puns and beautiful quotes about Budapest that captures the essence of the city by the River Danube. In this post, you shall find some of the very best puns and quotes about Budapest to inspire your journey, or captions to accompany your beautiful photos on Instagram, Facebook or other social media platforms.
Read: 93 Very Best Scotland Travel Quotes and Captions for Instagram
If you can’t read now, Pin Quotes about Budapest to read later!
Here are my favourite top 65 funny puns and quotes about Budapest, compiled just for you. The collection below includes inspiration from poems, songs, films, literature and famous Hungarian authors.
Красивые статусы на английском
Изображение: Millo Lin / Unsplash
Соцсети учат нас правильно презентовать себя. А лучше всего заявить о себе поможет красивый статус. Ниже найдёшь популярные фразы с глубоким смыслом и содержанием.
Do what you love.
Делай, что любишь.
Do it now. Sometimes “Later” becomes “Never”.
Действуй прямо сейчас. Иногда «потом» становится «никогда».
You’re not too old and it is not too late.
Ты не слишком стар и ещё не слишком поздно.
Your PRESENT is the PAST of your FUTURE.
Твоё настоящее — это прошлое твоего будущего.
Life is a beautiful struggle.
Жизнь — это красивая борьба.
Будь источником, а не стоком.
Bring out the kid in you.
Разбуди в себе ребёнка.
Start each day with a grateful heart.
Начинай каждый день с сердцем полным благодарности.
Now comes the best part. I love puns, do you? These Budapest sayings are perfect for some clever pun lovers.
Many are funny quotes about Budapest food which you can slide in with your Budapest hashtags.
‘Hungary for adventure.’
‘This city is Buda-best.’
‘Too Hungary to think of a pun.’
Let me Liszt all the things I love about this city.
‘Never been to Budapest, every day’s a Buddha fest.’
‘My life in Ruin Bars.’
‘Check out this Buda-ful view.’
‘I’m still Hungary for the sights of Budapest.’
‘Had the pest time in Budapest.’
‘Hungry in Hungary.’
A man’s home is his Castle Hill.
‘Staying fed, even though I’m in Hungary.’
There are a few more! Keep scrolling for more Budapest quotes.
I don’t want to lángos here forever.
‘Can this place get any more Buda-ful?’
‘This city makes me feel tempestuous.’
‘The food in Hungary is Stewpendulous.’
‘Budapest is off the chain bridge.’
Hope you enjoyed these Budapest quotes and Instagram captions as much as enjoyed compiling them. Let me know if you have got more quotes about Budapest that I might have missed.
If you love quotes, head to these posts for more fun:
- 115 Switzerland Quotes That Tell Us Why She Is the Epitome of Beauty
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- 200 Japan Quotes To Fall in Love With The Land of Rising Sun
- 150 Amsterdam Quotes That Will Make You Sin
Famous Budapest Quotes
- “Budapest is a prime site for dreams.” – M. John Harrison.
- “In Budapest, you’ll find experiences like nothing else in Europe: Feel your stress ebb away as you soak in hundred-degree water, surrounded by opulent Baroque domes and by Speedo-and-bikini-clad Hungarians. Ogle some of Europe’s most richly decorated interiors, which echo a proud little nation’s bygone glory days.” – Rick Steves.
- “Budapest in late May is a city of lilacs. The sweet, languid, rather sleepy smell of lilacs wafts everywhere. And it is a city of lovers, many of them quite middle-aged. Walking with their arms around each other, embracing and kissing on park benches. A sensuousness very much bound up (it seems to me) with the heady ubiquitous smell of lilacs.” – Joyce Carol Oates.
- “I love Budapest for all the right reasons – architecture, romance, and sticky apricot jam – and some of the wrong ones, too – killer pálinka, rickety trolleybuses, and spending way too much time in the Turkish baths.” – Steve Fallon.
- “Want to go away with me? To the lakes, or to Budapest?” – A Short Film About Love.
- “Of course it’s not all foie gras and fine wines. There are other pleasures, just as awesome. Maybe, maybe even more awesome.” – Anthony Bourdain.
Don’t forget to pin these Budapest Instagram quotes and follow me @mysuitcasejourneys!
Budapest Travel Quotes
“Europe’s most underrated big city, Budapest can be as challenging as it is enchanting.” – Rick Steves
“If you come from Paris to Budapest you think you are in Moscow.” – Gyorgy Ligeti
“But if you go from Moscow to Budapest you think you are in Paris.” – Gyorgy Ligeti
“I went from a very structured life in Oxford going to school every day to suddenly a week later I was living in Budapest for eight months. It’s a big change so I feel I’ve changed so much from that experience as a person.” – Anya Chalotra
“Now, actors get so familiarized with Eastern Europe. I never imagined I’d get as familiar with Budapest and Prague and places like that in my life.” – Paul Giamatti
“I recently had a few days off while shooting a movie in Budapest, so I took a cab from the set to the airport, looked at the departure board, and decided where I wanted to go right then and there. I spent four days in Rome and didn’t tell anyone I was going.” – Cory Montieth
“I’ve done drives through Budapest and Oslo and used to drive to Sardinia, too, which is quite a journey. Drives are an adventure because I don’t plan them too carefully. I take detours depending on how I feel and usually stop and stay at places I like the look of.” – Rick Astley
“With *NSYNC, we shopped our deal for a year in America, sang a capella in everybody’s office, then moved to Germany for almost two years and became popular there. A guy representing a rock band came to our show in Budapest, saw 60,000 people get excited for a band from America that nobody in America knew, and told someone at RCA.” – JC Chasez
“I’ve been lucky enough to travel widely. When you’re based in Europe, it’s very easy to go to Madrid or Budapest for the weekend. I also lived in Italy for ten years and now live in Ireland.” – Laurie Graham
“Budapest in late May is a city of lilacs. The sweet, languid, rather sleepy smell of lilacs wafts everywhere. And it is a city of lovers, many of them quite middle-aged. Walking with their arms around each other, embracing and kissing on park benches. A sensuousness very much bound up (it seems to me) with the heady ubiquitous smell of lilacs.” – Joyce Carol Oates
“I got an iced out crucifix, Fans means Budapest, I don’t speak that language, but they say it means, you the best.” – Future Brown
“Budapest intrigue, three hours of black and white, squinting at subtitles through a telescopic sight, Hungarian melody, repeating endlessly, is this the end I see? Approaching in front of me.” – Elvis Costello
Язык и полезные фразы
Если вы находитесь не в центре города, то будьте готовы к тому, что немногие поймут английский. Поэтому стоит запастись хотя бы минимальным количеством фраз, которые помогут при покупке, поиске дороги и в других ситуациях, где без обращения к местным жителям не обойтись.
- Добрый день — Jó napot
- До свидания — Viszlát
- Спасибо — Köszönöm
- Извините — Sajnáljuk
- Сколько это стоит? — Mennyibe kerül?
- Где находится…? — Hol van …?
Лучше всего иметь с собой небольшой разговорник. Местные жители с пониманием относятся к попыткам туристов разговаривать на венгерском, а поэтому заучить некоторые фразы просто необходимо.
До поездки
Для посещения Венгрии вам понадобится оформить визу. Венгрия входит в Шенгенскую зону, а поэтому достаточно оформить Шенген. Виза может быть одно- и многократной. Для получения более детальной информации обратитесь напрямую в Посольство или же воспользуйтесь услугами туристического агентства.
Выбор города для первой поездки желательно основывать на удобстве в туристической сфере, где речь идет о языке, жилье, транспорте, валюте и т.д. Наиболее популярным городом Венгрии является ее столица – Будапешт. Жить в нем несколько дороже, но есть возможность пользоваться всеми благами туристического сердца Венгрии.
Языковой барьер будет присутствовать, но знание английского станет преимуществом. В большинстве магазинов, ресторанов и прочих заведений весь персонал уже давно знает английский из-за большого наплыва туристов.
Точно также не возникнет проблем в Будапеште и с транспортом, жильем или обменом валют, а все достопримечательности окажутся под боком. Но мы расскажем обо всем по порядку.
Budapest, like Prague, has enchanted writers, thinkers, creative souls, and philosophers for ages. One of the things that these cities have in common is they are not yet as mainstream as London or Rome or Paris, also, they are not huge like them.
This makes the city one of the best if you want to enjoy a piece of the past without having to board buses or trains or trams. Budapest is one of the compact cities, and very stunning.
Let’s start with some of the beautiful Budapest quotes that will tell you more about this Hungarian capital.
‘They said that, of course, Budapest is beautiful. But it is in fact almost ludicrously beautiful.’ – Anthony Bourdain
‘Straddling the Danube River, with the Buda Hills to the west and the Great Plain to the east, Budapest is a gem of a city.’ – Lonely Planet
‘Budapest is a prime site for dreams: the East’s exuberant vision of the West, the West’s uneasy hallucination of the East. It is a dreamed-up city; a city almost completely faked; a city invented out of other cities, out of Paris by way of Vienna — the imitation, as Claudio Magris has it, of an imitation.’ – M. John Harrison
‘But if you go from Moscow to Budapest you think you are in Paris.’ – Gyorgy Ligeti
‘This is where I came in. Budapest: where East meets West. The Blue Danube is something more than a waltz by Johann Strauss.’ – Guilty of Treason
Below Budapest quote best describes everything majestic about the city, giving you glimpses of what to expect when you are there or making you nostalgic if you have been to this stunning city.
‘I love Budapest for all the right reasons – architecture (especially art nouveau), romance (particularly the views from the bridges) and sticky apricot jam – and some of the wrong ones, too – killer pálinka (fruit brandy), rickety trolleybuses, and spending way too much time in the Turkish baths.’ – Lonely Planet
‘I’m manoeuvring out to Budapest.’ -Macklemore
‘Budapest has it all.’
These Budapest quotes are lyrics written by music bands that evoke many emotions.
‘A chest with no breath creeping through darkness, An iced game of chess melting in Budapest. Building a gambling house in my head, Near the castle, a cold hunter lays, In Budapest.’ – Poni Hoax
Fishermans Bastion Castle Hill Budapest | Quotes about Budapest
Looking for some puns and funny quotes about Budapest? Here are some of the top ones for you to use as fun captions to accompany your photos on social media.
35 | ‘Never went hungry in Hungary’
36 | ‘Buda, Buda, Buda, Buda rockin’ everywhere’
37 | ‘I was Hungary, so I went on a dinner cruise to check out the Buda-ful view’
38 | ‘I wanted to take a picture of Fisherman’s Bastion, but I couldn’t find the right angler’
39 | ‘Don’t be such a Budapest’
40 | ‘I think I just Nighttimedapest day of my life’
41 | ‘Hungarians love Halloween because it’s so goulash‘
42 | ‘Staying fed, even though I am in Hungary’
43 | ‘A man’s home is his Castle Hill’
quotes about Budapest
44 | ‘Budapest is off the chain bridge’
45 | ‘Can this city be anymore Buda-ful?’
46 | ‘I’m in Budapest. Yes, Soros-ly’
47 | ‘This city is the Buda-best’
48 | ‘My life in Ruin Bars’
49 | ‘The food in Hungary is Stewpendulous’
50 | ‘I don’t want to lángos here forever.’
51 | ‘Enjoying a reign-y day here at the Buda Castle’
52 | ‘I didn’t want to come to Budapest but, I caved-in’
53 | ‘This River Cruise is very relaxing. I’m just going with the flow’
54 | ‘Had the pest time in Budapest’
55 | ‘I’m still Hungary for the sights in Budapest’
56 | ‘Too Hungary to think of a pun’
quotes on Budapest
57 | ‘Remember me to Heroe’s Square’
58 | ‘For I am a poor and wretched boy. A chimbey, chimney cake.’
59 | ‘Let me see the Cabbage Roll’
60 | ‘We don’t need no Palink-ing badges’
61 | ‘On a wine tasting in Budapest, I’m never bor-ed’
62 | ‘If you’ve never tried Hungarian wine, it’s a great time to dip your Tokaj-s in!’
63 | ‘Having a grape time in Budapest’
64 | ‘Paprika’s Castle’
65 | ‘Start spreadin’ Danube, I’m leavin’ today’
If you love quotes about Budapest, you may like these as well:
See the highlights of Budapest in this splendid tour of the city. Highlights include Europe’s largest Parliament building, tour of Buda’s Castle District, a stop at Heroes’ Square, and a visit to see Hungary’s Crown Jewels. Check availability now.